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Jane Goodall and Unity

I was reading The Intelligence of the Cosmos: Why Are we Here? by Ervin Lazslo and came across this interesting account of Jane Goodall, the woman famous for her work with primates in Africa. As a young woman, still in school, she wrote:

When the night wind makes the pine trees creek

and the pale clouds glide across the dark sky,

Go out, my child, go out and seek

Your soul; the Eternal I.

For all the grasses rusting at your feet

And every flaming star that glitters high

above you, close up and meet

in you: the eternal I.

Yes, my child, go out into the world, walk slow

And silent, comprehending all, and by and by

Your soul, the Universe, will know

Itself: the Eternal I.

The lovely dunes; the setting sun;

The duck - and I;

One Spirit moving timelessly

Beneath the sky.

What a beautiful soul expression from a woman that has traveled around the world and has done so much to further life. She also makes further comments about many young people she has met who seem to have lost hope. She says that they are mostly apathetic, but some are depressed and some are angry, even violent. They see what we are doing to the planet - the deforestation, pollution, loss of biodiversity, shrinking freshwater supplies, the effect of chemicals used in agribusiness and industry, our damaging effects producing climate change. There is a refugee crisis. And everywhere we find racial discrimination, hatred, exploitation, greed and corruption.There is ethnic violence, terrorism and war.

Jane goes on to say that many young people have expressed that we have compromised their future - we have. But when they say there is nothing they (or we) can do about it - I do not agree. She states that "there is a window of time during which, if enough of us work to create a new mind set, we can heal the wounds we have inflicted, and at least slow down environmental deterioration and climate change."

Unity does not stand alone. We have many allies and a world awaiting our message of hope.

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