A Positive Path for Spiritual Living

Cathy Collins
Few could visit Unity Spiritual Center and not meet Cathy Collins, our Administrative Assistant. She is the core of our office activity, leads in the Sunday audio-visual endeavors and keeps things running in our bookstore. She may be reached in the office on extension 100.
Mackey Essary
Mackey Essay is the overall support person on our staff. Maintenance, security and assistance in purchasing are just three of the many tasks Mackey tracks to keep Unity Spiritual Center on track to serve congregants. She may be reached at extension 102.

Joanne Sommers
Cathy Collins & Barb Layton

Darlene Paterson
Joanne assists with office tasks during business hours.
Darlene is our bookkeeper.
You'll find Board VP, Barb Layton, and Center Administrator, Cathy Collins, in the Divine Word Bookstore Sundays after our Sunday Celebration Service. Be sure to come join them, browse, and take home some wonderful spiritual books.